Lilac is an energetic, sweet, medium sized black rabbit.
- How old is the rabbit?1 to 3 Years
- Rabbit SizeSlightly smaller than a housecat.
- What is the sex of the rabbit?Female
- NeuteredNo
- Has the rabbit had a vaccination for RHDV2?No
What breed is the rabbit?
Mixed Breed
Does the rabbit have any outstanding health concerns?
No health concerns
Give a description of the rabbit's temperament and personality traits.
Lilac is a medium sized rabbit who is sweet and energetic with silky black fur. She has unique light gray eyes. She loves to eat fresh greens and herbs from the garden and will never turn down more hay. She has a really cute habbit of building herself a nest and will even pull her hair to make a cozy den. Don't be confused with thinking she is pregnant.
Are you selling any supplies with the rabbit? Cage, food, accessories, etc?
No we are not selling anything with Lilac
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