Rabbit Match

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Chelsea is a chestnut colored sassy diva.


  • How old is the rabbit?1 to 3 Years
  • Rabbit SizeSlightly smaller than a housecat.
  • What is the sex of the rabbit?Female
  • NeuteredNo
  • Has the rabbit had a vaccination for RHDV2?No

What breed is the rabbit?

Netherland Dwarf

Does the rabbit have any outstanding health concerns?

No health concerns

Give a description of the rabbit's temperament and personality traits.

Chelsea is a very pretty lady, however she has some serious cage aggression. She will lunge at you when trying to get her out of her cage. Once you are able to get her, she will be fine sitting on your lap and loves to be pet.

Are you selling any supplies with the rabbit? Cage, food, accessories, etc?

We are not selling any supplies with Chelsea


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