Rabbit Match

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Annie is a chestnut colored gentle giant who is good at socializing with people.


  • How old is the rabbit?3 to 6 Years
  • Rabbit SizeAbout the size of a large housecat.
  • What is the sex of the rabbit?Female
  • NeuteredNo
  • Has the rabbit had a vaccination for RHDV2?No

What breed is the rabbit?

Mixed Breed

Does the rabbit have any outstanding health concerns?

no health concerns

Give a description of the rabbit's temperament and personality traits.

Annie is calm and is typically very sociable. She loves to roam around the gardens and have a lot of space to wander and run around. Her daughter is Aria who is also listed on this site. Annie lives outdoors. She is hard to catch, but once you do, she will sit in your lap and just let you pet her. She is a snuggle bug.

Are you selling any supplies with the rabbit? Cage, food, accessories, etc?

We are not selling any supplies with Annie.


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