Winter is a confident, determined, friendly little guy.
- How old is the rabbit?1 to 3 Years
- Rabbit SizeSlightly smaller than a housecat.
- What is the sex of the rabbit?Male
- NeuteredNo
- Has the rabbit had a vaccination for RHDV2?No
What breed is the rabbit?
Does the rabbit have any outstanding health concerns?
No health concerns
Give a description of the rabbit's temperament and personality traits.
Winter is a very sweet rabbit. He loves to be around other rabbits. He lives outdoors and likes to play and run around the gardens. He is quite the escape artist. Once he gets out of his pen, he just likes to hop around and visit the other bunnies in the gardens. He is easy to handle and get out of his cage. Winter likes to be held and will sit with you on your lap. He would do well in a home where he has room to run around and play and explore.
Are you selling any supplies with the rabbit? Cage, food, accessories, etc?
We are not selling any supplies with Winter
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